Učiteljica, Dobrila Martinović, poslije rata je dala dragocjenu izjavu Lazaru Lukajiću, koji je napisao i knjigu, koja je zapisana ovako:

  • “U učionicu je iznenada za vrijeme časa ušao fratar Miroslav Filipović sa 12 svojih ustaša, oponašajući Isusa Hrista i 12 njegovih apostola. Njega sam odranije dobro poznavala. Poznavala su ga i djeca, jer je fratar često prolazio kroz Drakulić, Šargovac i Motike. Bio je obučen u novu ustašku uniformu. Ustaše su stale pored katedre i školske table, okrenuti prema klupama i djeci…

Zatim je fra Filipović zamolio učiteljicu da izvede iz klupe jedno srpsko dijete. Učiteljica, ne sluteći šta će biti, izvela je ljepuškastu i urednu djevojčicu Radojku Glamočanin, ćerku uglednog domaćina Đure Glamočanina, koji je tada bio u zarobljeništvu u Njemačkoj i na taj način preživio rat.

Fratar je nježno prihvatio dijete, podigao ga na katedru i onda počeo polako, natenane, da ga kolje pred ostalom djecom, učiteljicom i ustašama. U učionici je nastala vriska i panika. Užasnuta djeca su vrištala i skakala. A Filipović se smireno i jezuitski dostojanstveno obratio svojim ustašama: ‘Ustaše, ovo ja u ime Boga pokrštavam ove izrode, a vi slijedite moj put. Ja prvi primam sav grijeh na moju dušu, a vas ću da ispovjedim i razrješim svih grijeha.’

Onda je fra Filipović naredio učiteljici da svu srpsku djecu izvede u školsko dvorište. Potom je otišao u drugu učionicu, pa je i učiteljici Mari Tunjić naredio da izvede i svoje đake koji su već bili svi preplašeni i skupljeni oko nje kao pilići. U dvorištu je, na utabanom snijegu, ukrug postavio ustaše a onda naredio djeci da trče pored njih u krug. Kako koje dijete naleti, ustaša ga prikolje i izmrcvari. I sve tako dok svu djecu nisu poklali.

Poslije pokolja u školi uslijedio je pokolj u čitavom selu.


The teacher, Dobrila Martinovich, after the war gave a precious statement to Lazar Lukajić, who also wrote a book, which was written as follows:

  • „Suddenly during class, friar Miroslav Filipovich entered the classroom with 12 of his Ustashas, imitating Jesus Christ and his 12 apostles. I knew him well before. The children also knew him, because the friar often passed through Drakulich, Shargovac and Motike. He was dressed in a new Ustasha uniform. Ustashas stood next to the chair and the school blackboard, facing the benches and children…

Then Fr. Filipovich asked the teacher to take a Serbian child out of the pew. The teacher, not suspecting what would happen, brought out a beautiful and neat little girl, Radojka Glamočanin, the daughter of a respectable householder, Djura Glamotshanin, who was then a prisoner in Germany and thus survived the war.

The friar gently accepted the child, lifted him onto the chair and then slowly, deliberately, began to slaughter him in front of the other children, the teacher and the Ustashas. There was screaming and panic in the classroom. Terrified children screamed and jumped. And Filipovich calmly and with Jesuit dignity addressed his Ustashas: ‘Ustashas, I am baptizing these bastards in the name of God, and you are following my way. I am the first to receive all sin on my soul, and I will confess and absolve you of all sins.’

Then Fr. Filipovich ordered the teacher to take all the Serbian children out into the school yard. Then he went to another classroom, so he ordered the teacher, Mari Tunjich, to take out her students, who were already all frightened and huddled around her like chickens. In the yard, on the beaten snow, he placed the Ustashas in a circle and then ordered the children to run past them in a circle. When a child runs into it, it is picked up by the trailer and crushed. And so on until all the children were slaughtered.

After the massacre in the school, there was a massacre in the whole village.

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